About Me

Hi, I’m Corey, creator of The Affiliate Life Academy!

I have always had that entrepreneurial spirit and after 20 years in the Construction industry, I took the leap and built my own online business.

I grew up in a small town in British Columbia, Canada, playing hockey, snowboarding, wakeboarding and of course golf! After university I ventured out to live and work in Alberta, Canada and 10 years later ended up back in British Columbia, this time Vancouver for the last 15 years. So what am I up to now?

I created this space online “Affiliate Life Academy” for anyone in pursuit of unleashing their own entrepreneurial spirit!  I am passionate about business start-ups, business ideas, and seeing people thrive when they unlock their full potential.  I have over 25 years experience working from both the corporate side and owner/operator side of business leading and coaching high performing teams.  I am here to apply those skills in helping others achieve their own path to freedom.

This site is the Academy for complete beginners and the seasoned vets looking to leverage the proper tools, training, and mentoring needed to build a REAL online business based on any passion, interest, or hobby.

If you crave deeper meaning, purpose and guidance to creating a life filled with ample opportunity of self-discovery, financial freedom and values alignment while building a thriving online business, then welcome home!

I am here to help others get out of their comfort zone in ways that are practical and adventurous!

I am here to help others build an online business from scratch and generate income!

Lets GO!


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